The Speed of Thinking
Thinking of Beirut

Before Tally Saves the Internet, we launched our first game The Speed of Thinking.  It’s a simple game where you stack shipping containers onto a cargo ship (sort of like Tetris meets Jenga). It’s strangely meditative in the way that endless shopping online can be for some people, but it’s a game that you can … continue reading

Tally Saves the Internet Learn More
Tally’s Learn More Page

For our friends gearing up for a new semester, we hope our Tally’s Learn More page will be helpful for anyone that wants to talk about dataveillance this semester EFF, Eva & Franco Mattes, Ghostery, Hito Steyerl, John Gilliom, Joy Buolamwini, Laura Kurgan, Lauren Mccarthy, Mozilla, Sam Lavigne, Shoshana Zuboff, The Privacy Project, Tor Browser, … continue reading

Tally Launch!
Tally Saves the Internet Is Live!

Today, we’re launching our game Tally Saves the Internet at Tally Saves the Internet is a browser extension that transforms data advertisers collect into a multiplayer game. Once installed, a friendly pink blob named Tally lives in the corner of your screen and warns you when companies translate your human experiences into free behavioral … continue reading

Joelle Dietrick and Owen Mundy. Tally. 2017–ongoing. Web browser extension and tracker blocker. Available for Chrome, Firefox, or Opera.
How Tally Layers Content

Tally is a browser extension that uses artificial intelligence to gamify data tracking. Once installed, a friendly pink blob named Tally lives in the corner of your screen and warns you when companies translate your human experiences into free behavioral data. When Tally encounters “product monsters” (online trackers and their corresponding product marketing categories), you … continue reading

The Speed of Thinking, Drexel University
The Speed of Thinking Panel, Drexel University, Philadelphia

The Speed of Thinking Panel Discussion Wednesday, February 13, 2019 6:00 PM-7:00 PM Join us for a panel discussion during the opening reception of Speed of Thinking. Featuring the artist Joelle Dietrick and panelists Frank Lee, Director of the Entrepreneurial Game Studio, Drexel University, who works on large-scale public games, Daniel Aldana Cohen, Assistant Professor … continue reading

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