Explode the Web

One of my favorite features of Tally is the explode-the-web game mechanic. We wrote about it in the 2019 Signal Culture Cookbook, V2 (link to book, pdf of our chapter and browser extension on GitHub). In our game Tally Saves the Internet, you explode the web every time you defeat a product monster. Enjoy!   … continue reading

Tally Saves the Internet Learn More
Tally’s Learn More Page

For our friends gearing up for a new semester, we hope our Tally’s Learn More page will be helpful for anyone that wants to talk about dataveillance this semester EFF, Eva & Franco Mattes, Ghostery, Hito Steyerl, John Gilliom, Joy Buolamwini, Laura Kurgan, Lauren Mccarthy, Mozilla, Sam Lavigne, Shoshana Zuboff, The Privacy Project, Tor Browser, … continue reading

Tally Launch!
Tally Saves the Internet Is Live!

Today, we’re launching our game Tally Saves the Internet at https://tallysavestheinternet.com/ Tally Saves the Internet is a browser extension that transforms data advertisers collect into a multiplayer game. Once installed, a friendly pink blob named Tally lives in the corner of your screen and warns you when companies translate your human experiences into free behavioral … continue reading

Create silhouettes of a PNG image from the command line

We are using command line tools to manage images for Tally Saves the Internet. We have 170 monsters at the moment with various variations in color, spritesheets, resolution, resulting on over 3,000 unique files. This week we wanted to speed up the creation of silhouette images for the game and used Imagemagick to automate this. … continue reading

Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity, UC Berkeley

We’re excited for Tally to be one of the projects sponsored by UC Berkeley’s Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity. More at https://cltc.berkeley.edu/2019/10/02/winners-of-2019-cybersecurity-arts-contest Except from the announcement: Internet users are often not aware they are continually exposing private information about themselves through cookies and other digital trackers. Artists Joelle Dietrick and Owen Mundy aim to bring attention … continue reading

Joelle Dietrick and Owen Mundy. The Speed of Thinking. 2019. Exhibition installation at Van Every Galleries, Davidson College, NC. https://joelledietrick.com/site/the-speed-of-thinking
Davidson College Art Exhibition

The Speed of Thinking Joelle Dietrick and Owen Mundy August 26, 2019— September 25, 2019 Van Every Gallery, Davidson College More info “Your work in this exhibition is dominated by screens in terms of its production and reception, but, crucially, you also seem to be critically interrogating screens, or how screens work in society. You’ve … continue reading

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